Sunday, July 19, 2009

Gin, How Do I Love Thee?

Gin. What a motherfu**er. Woke up at 1:30am. Lights on. Television on. Makeup still on. Uneaten pizza in the kitchen (I made a pizza???). Vague memories of dry heaving over the toilet. And yes, then tears came. Glamour is not my middle name.

Mid-tears I called my husband (we don't live together). Drunk dialing my husband in the middle of the night is humiliating enough. When said husband doesn’t answer…Ouch. It hurts as much as you think it would. After he didn’t answer I sent him a text stating that “I want a divorce. Officially.” The perfect conclusion to an almost uneventful night.

Gin opened up the window that I've been denying was even there to open. Well, the window opened up wide tonight. Suddenly visible was the hurt that comes along with admitting the fact that my husband did not choose me. And I do believe that he had a choice. Though, ask him and he would say that addiction chose for him (remember when I said that sometimes things chose you?). Ask me and I would say that I begged him to tell me that if that was ever going to happen to please, just let me know. Well, it happened, and NO he did not tell me. Naive? Most definitely. I believed what I wanted to believe. I chose someone that I knew, in the end, would not choose me. Well - - I shouldn’t say that. In the end he did choose me. It was the beginning that messed everything up. In the end he said that he regretted the beginning. Comforting? Not so much. I sometimes wonder if I didn’t play along knowing all the while that I had an easy out. To opt out, press 1. To keep on going as if everything is fine, press 2. I pressed 1. I’m still trying to get back to the main menu…

So here I am. It's 3:10am. I'm still trying to remember when I made that pizza. I'm still wondering why my husband didn’t answer my call. And I still want a divorce. Officially.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Look, Ma! I'm an Application!

I was trying to decide what my blog site name would be so I did what any well-adjusted person would do and I searched ‘nicole definition’ on google. I mean, who doesn’t use a search engine to find answers to important questions? This is what came up:

Acronym: NICOLE
Definition: Nearly Intelligent Computer Operated Language Examiner

I was Intrigued, to say the least. I then did a search on ‘Nearly Intelligent Computer Operated Language Examiner’ and found that NICOLE is a Linux application. (

NICOLE (Nearly Intelligent Computer Operated Language Examiner) is a theory or experiment that if a computer is given enough combinations of how words, phrases and sentences are related to one another, it could talk back to you. It is an attempt to simulate a conversation by learning how words are related to other words. A human communicates with NICOLE via the keyboard and NICOLE responds back with its own sentences which are automatically generated, based on what NICOLE has stored in it's database. Each new sentence that has been typed in, and NICOLE doesn't know about, is included into NICOLE's database, thus extending the knowledge base of NICOLE.

What can I say, I was floored. I felt like I was reading a synopsis of my autobiography. Linux, you had me at, “NICOLE responds back with its own sentences which are automatically generated, based on what NICOLE has stored in it’s database.” So that’s me. Well, maybe not quite. Imagine the Linux application NICOLE after 4 beers - - and that’s me. I’m an application. Linux, you complete me.